When you think about how a call center is organized, you are looking for a functional structure that allows you to increase the quality of service. For this, it is necessary to analyze carefully: How to define the quality of this class of companies? And the answer to this question can be really very ambiguous but always keeping a central point: Customer satisfaction.

Whether we are talking about a work force part of a large company such as to prevent client call backs after a roofing job, preventing client call backs, roofing instalation call backs, etc., a sales force that collects orders placed through an advertising campaign or even a group to collect claim or emergency calls in the case of a company private health, in all these scenarios the presence of clear parameters, friendly language and empathetic staff capable of acting quickly are key to generating added value to the organization.

1. Build a tree of professional profiles appropriate to your objective

One of the main opportunities to improve a Call Center is to point out from the beginning what its primary objective is. Although “serving the public” is the obvious solution, we must not forget that not all Call Centers are the same. A sales team that is probing the market to attract new customers is not the same as a service that is responsible for supporting consumer complaints.

Even this distinction goes further. Previously, they only worked with phone calls, but currently this is not the case: now this department also includes emails, web chats, answering messages on social networks and video calls.

It is also possible to find differences in terms of the composition or nature of the company: a Call Center service that is contracted to another larger company is not the same as a small office attached to logistics that receives information on returns. In both cases, there will be a scope and series of functions that will go hand in hand in the process of how a call center is organized.

So, if it is possible to create a model adapted to the needs of the company, it is possible to carry out a visionary organization of resources, with a focus on personnel payroll management. By linking professional profiles to service objectives, it will be possible to optimize work and achieve better levels of customer satisfaction and problem resolution.

2. Include key management indicators

Management indicators (known as KPIs) are numerical results. These allow to objectively compare the performance of a process based on an objective in the expected time. That is, how well the proposed goals were achieved.

The usual management indicators of a Call Center would be:

  • The amount of time of the calls;
  • The percentage of customer satisfaction regarding their concerns;
  • The number of sales made by a given worker based on the total number of calls he made;
  • And many others (you can see more about KPIs for Call Centers in this link).

Properly defining these KPIs will be the basis for evaluating in the future whether the steps being taken are improving management, or whether it will be necessary to adjust the planned actions and strategies.

3. Design tools to create a better link with the company

It is not just about structuring base expressions so that customers are given the best treatment when they make a call: the objective is also to create a real connection between the worker and the company.

This connection with the collaborators will be essential not only for them to remain active in the organization, but it will also allow an improvement in the spirit of building the Call Center project. As a consequence, it will be possible to obtain a great positive impact on customer service.

4. Hire call management tools

Many of the tips on how to organize a call center can easily lead to the use of an integrated tool. These applications allow coordinating and enhancing the work scheme: by using them, monotonous work tasks can be optimized, reducing the manual workload.

The first advantage of this advice is “a happy worker is a more efficient worker”. If the system already registers the call time and with a simple interface it can automate user feedback, then there are administrative tasks that stop distracting the staff so that they can dedicate themselves to selling, or talking with customers who are annoyed throughout the day.

The same with managers: if their manual workload is reduced, they can focus on other tasks. In addition, these systems reduce the risk of making analysis, planning and communication errors.

Obviously, these tips are a starting point, but they are not the only solution for the initial approach. If you want to continue discovering how a call center is organized, you can explore other relevant points in the article How to organize a call center: operational planning of resources.

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