
If you’re like most people, you probably use Instagram to share photos of your friends, family, and favorite foods. But what if you want to share a photo of something else? Like a product you’re selling? In this blog post, we will show you how to resize an image for Instagram so that it looks good both large and small. We’ll also give you a few tips for formatting and styling your photos so that they look their best on the social media platform.

How to resize an image for Instagram

Instagram is a great way to share your photos with friends and family. However, sometimes you may want to resize an image for Instagram. This guide will show you  how to resize an image for Instagram using the app and a few simple steps.

First, open the Instagram app on your device. Tap on the profile of the person or account you want to resize the image for. Next, tap on the image you want to resize. Finally, tap on “Settings” in the bottom left corner of the screen. Under “General”, you will see a option named “Resize Image”. Tap on this option and select “Scale Image” from the menu that pops up.

Now, select how large or small you want your image to be scaled. You can choose from either Original Size or Smaller Scale. If you want to keep the original aspect ratio of your image, select Original Size from the options available. If you would like to have your image cropped according to Instagram’s guidelines, then select Smaller Scale from the options available.

Once you have made your selection, hit OK in order to apply your changes to the image. Your image should now appear as it would if it had been uploaded directly onto Instagram rather than resized by yourself!

Tips for Resizing an Image for Instagram

Step 1: Open the image you would like to resize in a photo editor or another image viewing program.

Step 2: Make sure the dimensions of the original image are visible in the viewport.

Step 3: Select the portion of the image you want to keep and hit “Ctrl/Cmd+T” (PC) or “Command/Ctrl+T” (Mac) to copy it.

Step 4: Go to “File” > “Save As…” and save the file with a new name. For example, if your original filename was “image-0001.jpg”, save it as “image-0005.jpg”.

Step 5: In the photo editor, open your newly saved file and click on the blue border that surrounds the image. This will open up a selection box which will allow you to select what portion of the image you copied in Step 3.


If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to resize an image for Instagram, you’re not alone. With so many different dimensions and pixel ratios, it can be hard to figure out how to make your photo look good on the social media platform. The good news is that there is a simple way to resize any image for Instagram without sacrificing quality or making any changes to the file itself – through filters! In this article, we will show you four easy ways to resize an image for Instagram using free and premium tools, so you can get the most popular size options without any hassle. Thanks for reading!

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